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Gamification: understanding the principle and applying it

Gamification definition

These days, companies and educational trainers are adopting a variety of methods to set themselves apart from the competition. Among all the innovative ways of doing this, there’s one playful training method worth trying out: gamification. Although this process has been around for years, it is becoming increasingly popular these days. What is gamification? Also […]

Truancy: causes, consequences and solutions

Truancy definition and explanation

Truancy is a problem that affects education systems worldwide. Whether it’s missing classes or skipping entire days of school, absenteeism can have serious consequences at both individual and societal levels. But what exactly are the causes of truancy, and what can be done about it? In this blog post, we’ll look at the most common […]

Kinesthetic memory: what is kinesthetic?

Kinesthetic memory

A good memory is an important asset in life. Memory is an important cognitive function for human beings. It enables us to retain knowledge, know-how and memories. It can also be used to retrieve information for use with those around us. It plays a vital role in thinking. In the context of vocational training or […]

4 Training methods everyone should know about

4 Training methods

The first step in deciding which teaching method to use is to identify its advantages. If you can make them explicit, it will be easier for the trainer to make a choice. If the trainer comes up with an idea for a teaching method, before validating it, he or she can directly question the idea […]

MOOC Definition

MOOC definition

What is a MOOC? The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is a form of educational training. Its aim is to provide free access to online training courses, most of which are free of charge. A MOOC is defined as learning that is open to all, with no limit on the number of students. Unlike e-learning […]

Individual training plan: what you need to know

Individual training definition

Every employee who dreams of a successful career should take advantage of training to develop his or her skills. Whatever the field of activity, the methods and techniques to be deployed in carrying out a given mission are constantly evolving. Training is possible thanks to the various systems set up by the company as part […]

What does the pedagogical objective mean?

Pedagogical Objective

Every employee or collaborator has the right to train in order to develop their skills and abilities, since the job market is constantly evolving. They need additional knowledge to be able to successfully carry out their professional activity or develop their career. Employees have total freedom in their choice of training device. To attract them, […]

What are the 3 types of electronic signatures ?

types of electronic signatures

The eIDAS regulation (European Union regulation on electronic identities and trust) defines three types of recognized electronic signatures that are valid throughout the European Union: It’s important to note that each type of electronic signature has its own advantages and disadvantages, and it’s advisable to choose the one that best suits your needs in terms […]

Electronic signature in Word, user guide

Electronic Signature Word

Word documents are one of the most widely used tools in business, across all sectors. They are regularly signed, but printing the Word document, signing it and then scanning it to send it back is a particularly laborious and time-consuming task. And above all, unnecessary. Instead, simply affix a handwritten or digital signature directly to […]