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Creating a Qualiopi training program: the essential steps

Qualiopi definition

Qualiopi certification has become indispensable for any professional training organization worthy of the name. It is awarded on the basis of particularly demanding criteria, but in return, its holders can demonstrate the quality and transparency of their training programs.Focus on the definition of Qualiopi certification, and the steps to follow to create your own Qualiopi […]

Create your own electronic signature

Create an electronic signature

In a society where digital technology is absolutely everywhere, every aspect of our daily lives is adopting a new way of operating. And document signing processes are no exception. For a long time, especially in the corporate world, bringing together signatories to sign important documents was a time-consuming process. Agreeing everyone’s schedules, reserving a large […]

Boosting training through digital and technological commitment

Technology in the classroom

The use of technology and digital can help improve student success in a number of ways. For example, technology can help teachers tailor learning to students‘ individual needs, using algorithms to identify each student’s strengths and weaknesses and providing tailored resources. The key is to ensure that technologies are used effectively and efficiently, in collaboration […]

Virtual classroom: how to run and manage your class?

Virtual Classroom Definition and explanation

Today, particularly in the wake of the worldwide coronavirus pandemic, more and more schools and specialized centers are opting for online training via virtual classrooms. Virtual classes are an excellent way to study and continue learning when you can’t necessarily travel. However, trainers and teachers have a slight problem managing their classes, and in particular […]

What you need to know about the signature certificate

signature certificate what you need to know

New technologies and advances in computer security have led to the creation of a tool that simplifies and accelerates the procedures that anyone has or wants to carry out with the administration: the electronic signature. It should be emphasized that the use of electronic procedures is more widespread in various sectors, and the training sector […]

How do I sign a document electronically?

sign a document

What is an electronic signature? An electronic signature is a method of authenticating the integrity and origin of an electronic document or online transaction. Unlike a traditional handwritten signature on paper, an electronic signature is a digital version that ensures the validity and non-alteration of the signed document. The electronic signature uses cryptographic techniques to […]

It’s easy to create your own electronic signature

Create a digital signature

In a society where digital technology is absolutely everywhere, every aspect of our daily lives is adopting a new way of operating. And document signing processes are no exception. For a long time, especially in the corporate world, bringing together signatories to sign important documents was a time-consuming process. Agreeing everyone’s schedules, reserving a large […]


Dematerialization definition

Dematerialization is the replacement in a company or organization of its physical information media by computer files and computers. Dematerializing a document means producing it directly in digital format from an information system. Dematerialization implies an in-depth reorganization of the process for handling a flow of documents. These documents can be tasks, tools or procedures. […]

Defining digital: understanding its advantages and disadvantages

Digital transformation definition

The world we live in is constantly evolving, thanks to digitalization. It’s almost everywhere, bringing great transformation and development to human society. It’s a cradle of global evolution, powerful because of its close relationship with humanity. What is digital? The word “DIGITAL” has several meanings: The means of digitalization : The transformations brought about by […]

Digital onboarding: definition and operating process

digital onboarding definition

A new employee’s first few days with the company are the most important. During this period, they get to know the company’s values, find their feet, share their visions and so on. Onboarding is the term used to describe this stage. It’s not just about the employee’s first days at the company; it starts long […]