Do your learners appreciate the content of your training courses? An eagle’s eye view of late arrivals and absences by session type could indirectly indicate a drop or rise in interest, depending on your speakers and teaching methods.
Track your goals
Any specific goals in mind? With our training statistics, quickly study your own progress towards your various goals over time.
The health of your training organization in one second
No more manual calculations. Find a summary of your learners’ attendance (number of late arrivals, justified or unjustified absences, attendance rate) in a single click. Need a visual? Our pre-designed graphs illustrate precisely the evolution of attendance within your training organization without any extra effort on your part. Drop-outs will no longer go unnoticed by having a direct overview of your learners’ attendance according to your selected periods.
A global view of your training courses In one place, you’ll find a precise breakdown of the number of training courses given to your learners over the year. And data on your trainers In addition to better measuring the performance of your trainers, clear data on their hours worked will quickly add to your report.
“Getting to grips with the tool is easy, it’s a thorn in my side.”
Speakers and learners found it easy to get to grips with the tool, an advantage for the school, which wastes no time. Rocket School students use the Edusign mobile application. In this way, they can justify their absences and sign in for their courses, while having access to a calendar.
Rocket School
“One of the cheapest rates on the market for a quality service.”
For Formatex, it was essential to find a simple, flexible solution that would not overload the already complicated face-to-face training process, with learners working alongside the formatter. Edusign is the solution that has enabled us to offer high quality distance learning to our customers.
Integrate Edusign with your everyday applications.