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Our mission

Paper forms are a source of wasted time and stress. With Edusign, our mission is to make signing attendance sheets easy, fast and digital. Our aim is to provide a cost-effective yet ecological solution. That’s why we plant trees for every customer we have.

Our history

Edusign is the brainchild of two students frustrated by the fact that they still have to sign paper attendance sheets at a top business school in 2019. The two friends imagined a solution and set to work to realize their vision. After a few months, Dylan Teixeira and Elliot Boucher were joined by Grégoire Chantegrel to complete the team.

After numerous meetings and obstacles overcome, testing began in February 2020. Today, Edusign is a complete solution on pc, mobile and tablet, for training organizations.

Our values.

We are UX First

User experience is what enables a tool to be used to its full potential. That's why our team thinks about user experience when making decisions.

We are environmentally friendly

We can't ignore the ecological issues of our time. Edusign is taking an ecological approach by eliminating paper and planting trees.

We are innovative

Edusign is the fruit of an innovative and unique project. The team works every day to provide ambitious solutions to complex problems. Edusign is an industry leader, not a follower.

Our team

Edusign is the brainchild of 3 entrepreneurs, Dylan, Elliot and Grégoire, resolutely determined to support training organizations in their digital transformation. The Edusign team is fortunate to work at the heart of the innovative ecosystem that is Station F and HEC.

Today, the team is growing with new talents joining us! In fact, we’re hiring!