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Sc Form

Sc Form is an innovative digital forms management solution, optimizing data collection and analysis for greater operational efficiency.

What does the Sc Form solution offer ?

  • Synchronize your training (students / groups / instructors)
  • Automatically track your learners’ attendance (absence reasons, signatures for presences)
  • Manage delays, apprenticeship masters, and agreements.

integration sc form

Sign all your documents from SC Form

  • Benefit from an eIDAS certified signature
  • Synchronize your systems and add electronic signatures to your documents
  • Automate existing systems in your training to save time

How to connect SC-Form/Galia to Edusign?

  • Retrieve your API key via your Edusign administration area.
  • Create your document from the SC Form platform
  • Once all parties have signed the document, it will be automatically sent to your SC Form GED as a completed document.

To learn more about the steps, check out our dedicated article on the Edusign help center.

How to integrate Sc Form with Edusign ?

Log in to Zapier and connect to Edusign directly from Zapier.

Connect via Zapier

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How to integrate Sc Form with Edusign ?

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