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Google Contact

Google Contact is an online contact management tool that stores, organizes and syncs all your contacts in the cloud, accessible from any device.

What does the Google Contact solution offer ?

Integrating Google Contact into Edusign means going further. Integration between software is essential to gain productivity during the creation of processes.Integration allows for improvement of existing processes in the company. Coupled with Edusign’s electronic signature, the organization becomes more productive in training. Customers have more complete processes in two minutes.The solutions and presentation are perfect for training with multiple possibilities. The exploitation of resources includes various solutions with or without support.

How to integrate Google Contact with Edusign ?

Log in to Zapier and connect to Edusign directly from Zapier.

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How to integrate Google Contact with Edusign ?

Pour bénéficier de cette connexion entre Edusign et Google Contact n’hésitez pas à nous contacter.

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