Artificial intelligence is now a hot topic. It simplifies daily life as well as work in major laboratories. It is estimated that by 2030, 30% of work hours could be automated through the use of AI.

This technology also has a significant place in the pedagogical processes of higher education institutions. Its integration can occur in various ways, including:

  • Personalization of learning
  • Data analysis
  • Automation of content creation

It is the new assistant for trainers and the best friend of students. Let’s explore the integration of artificial intelligence in the pedagogical processes of higher education institutions.

Understanding how artificial intelligence works

This new technology mimics human intelligence. It is capable of understanding natural language, which allows it to analyze data and propose ideas.

The current context of AI in education

Today, artificial intelligence has already made significant strides in learning processes. Indeed, several educational platforms are powered by AI. Learning on these platforms is autonomous. According to developers and some users, the learning experience is better because it is personalized and individual. This remains to be proven.

Moreover, teaching staff also use AI tools. They leverage technology to design their training programs. AI is also widely used in administration for organization. In both cases, users benefit from its ability to quickly analyze large amounts of data.

How does the AI learning process work?

Artificial intelligence uses machine learning. This is a form of automatic learning that allows it to process various types of data. It can even self-improve over time, thanks to user feedback.

There are different types of models for each type of data and task. For instance:

  • Neural networks
  • Decision trees
  • Support vector machines, etc.

Once the learning model is established, the AI tool undergoes a training phase. The developer integrates data to assess its reliability. Then, they can adjust the parameters. It is only after several rounds of testing that the AI tool is released on the market. The best ones undergo rigorous follow-up for continuous improvement. It is better to identify these before integrating AI into pedagogical processes.

Different forms of artificial intelligence

Like human intelligence, there is not just one type of AI. Each has its characteristics and applications. For example:

  • Weak AI can only perform a limited set of tasks.
  • Strong AI can match human reasoning, or nearly. It can solve problems, adapt to its environment, and improve.
  • Expert systems are also discussed for more complex fields. This is the most suitable choice for integrating AI into pedagogical processes. AI can provide recommendations based on information and rules.

Additionally, the field of education can use natural language processing (NLP). This form of AI is used in text correctors and translators. Furthermore, it can consider emotions in some cases, humanizing the integration of AI into pedagogical processes.

Why integrate AI into higher education learning processes?

As an assistant, AI is unparalleled. Educational staff would save a lot of time and energy by integrating artificial intelligence into administrative processes. Moreover, the higher education institution would become more competitive.

Automating administrative tasks

This is not new. Thanks to computing, we have already said goodbye to various tedious tasks. That said, administration has become even easier with artificial intelligence. Staff can now focus on more meaningful tasks. For example, trainers can spend more time on pedagogical research. They can also be available to support learners’ needs.

Scheduling classes

No more need for large boards to organize schedules. In record time, AI analyzes the availability of teaching staff to create a timetable. Depending on the institution, the administration can include other variables: available rooms, class hours, holidays, etc. This way, the chance of overlaps is minimized.

Managing attendance records

The digital attendance record is the small gem of artificial intelligence in pedagogical processes. Facilitated by electronic signatures, it is found in almost all training organizations. It is very useful, as learner attendance is a reliable indicator of their engagement. Thus, the trainer can quickly respond to students who need special attention.

Monitoring academic progress and finances

An institution needs to track tuition fee regularity. With AI, it can see an overview of each learner’s situation. It can thus manage registrations, payment delays, and other student duties. Some software includes reminder notifications for more rigorous follow-up.

Evaluating performance

Digital technology offers instant and precise feedback. It allows for the creation of evaluation questionnaires. Then, AI immediately collects data to generate reports. Consequently, decision-making is expedited.

Personalizing learning

Higher education institutions are gradually integrating artificial intelligence into pedagogical processes. It is the future of digital training. AI analyzes data to recommend content and methods tailored to learners’ needs.

Previously, trainers did not have enough time to focus on each learner. Thanks to artificial intelligence, they can offer personalized learning paths. Data on levels and learning preferences enable the development of more coherent content. The same applies to evaluation subjects.

Limitations of AI in higher education

Its definition is clear. Artificial intelligence only mimics human intelligence. Therefore, it does not replace it. For effective use, humans must remain in control.

Challenges of integrating AI into learning processes

AI remains a machine. A technician must perform regular maintenance. They will carry out necessary updates before the software becomes obsolete. However, technology evolves constantly. Thus, integrating AI into pedagogical processes can incur significant costs.

Moreover, data security is a priority concern with digital tools. Thus, the training organization must choose its AI with caution. Before integrating artificial intelligence into pedagogical processes, it must first select a provider that guarantees adherence to data protection policies.

Tip :

All digital devices should be equipped with antivirus software to prevent hacking.

Best practices for integrating artificial intelligence into learning processes

The role of trainers

Firstly, the trainer must always remember that AI is just a virtual assistant. They must perform downstream work to ensure the relevance of the recommendations provided. They are fully responsible for the decisions they make regarding training.

The role of learners

On their part, learners must also use AI intelligently and responsibly. It is helpful to get assistance with summaries and writings. However, tools like ChatGPT are only meant to complement. No student should neglect the importance of thorough research. Always verify the information, always.

Good to Know: Paid versions of AI tools are more reliable. That said, it is always better to personalize your work.

Why train the staff of higher education institutions ?

Training will help staff master the use of artificial intelligence in pedagogical processes. Thus, they can fully benefit from all its features. Then, a refresher session should be organized after each update.